
A good collection is essential in a library. To ensure the quality of the books that we are offering, we must constantly evaluate the physical state of the books, the update and the use.

If there is some books that have not been used for a long time, before storaging or disposing of them, we can consider to do a marketing action to see if they are not interesting, or students don't know that they are there... or that they are interesting enough!

Library standards establish:

-15 books per student

-50% Fiction and 50% non-fiction

-constant evaluation and updating

For a good selection of books we can include awards, a wide look to books in many countries or cultures (specially European and American with a nice balance), classics and new titles.

It is also important to consider the difference between books for learning how to read (readers and too easy books) and good literature. Readers should be available from the Language department more than in the library, in order to ensure the good quality (in content) of the collection.

Book fair

Always put books on display to mark the sections and recommend