
A library is not a proper library if it is not being used. It would be a book storage, without life.

To make the library alive it is paramount to think that we work for the users. We work to make our customers grow as human beings through stories and knowledge contained in our collections. Our role is not passive or just mere managers: we have a key role educating students about stories, art, history, research, human values...

Alive means creating the right atmosphere for children to enjoy their reading, respecting their path, taste and rhythm. There can be a talking section in the library, but always making sure that it is properly separated from the reading one in order to respect the students that want to read in silence.

It is very important to think that our best friends in educating of our students are teachers AND PARENTS. Working with parents, educating them in good literature and storytelling is essential: a student borrows books, take them home: if parents are waiting for them and can help the child understand and enjoy the story that is ideal.

Services that we can give from the school library:For teachers:

  • prepare collections according to the subjects and projects that they will work with the students.

  • help them to create their classroom libraries. IMPORTANT!: Classroom libraries should not be part of the collection of the library for many reasons: there is no control of the books, it is frustrating for the students finding a lot of books in the catalog that they cannot have access. If the school insists in having an inventory of the classroom libraries, do it in a different tool, separated from the main library catalog.

For students:

  • Lending service

  • Individual support

  • Classes: literature, stories, research...

  • Suggestions, book exhibitions, book fairs, etc...

For parents:

  • Workshops about children's literature and storytelling techniques

  • Parents club (not just for volunteer working, but for discussing about subjects related to reading and literature)

  • Open phone / email with the library

For all: news bulletins, suggestions, participation in school events, presence in meetings and school life...

Parents session about storytelling

Book fair